How to Store Contact Lenses

How to Store Contact Lenses Properly

Caring for your contact lenses goes beyond just inserting and removing them. Proper storage is critical for maintaining lens quality, preventing infections, and prolonging use. How to store contact lenses?This guide covers everything you need to know about safely storing your contacts between wears.

The Importance of Correct Lens Storage

How to store contact lenses?Contact lenses are medical devices that directly interact with one of your body’s most sensitive areas – your eyes. Any contamination from improper storage raises risks of eye infections, irritation, injuries, and vision issues. Following the recommended storage protocols protects your eye health.

It also preserves lens condition by warding off cracks, discoloration, deposit buildup and other types of damage. Lenses stored incorrectly deteriorate faster, so you save money by storing them right.

Understand Your Lens’ Approved Solutions

Not all lens care solutions are created equal. Each brand and type of contact lens has specific FDA-approved solutions for rinsing, disinfecting, and storage. Using incorrect products with your particular lenses compromises safety and effectiveness.

Check your lens packaging, then purchase the corresponding multi-purpose solution, hydrogen peroxide system, or whichever products your eye doctor recommends. Never mix solutions or use ones intended for other lenses.

How to Store Contact Lenses

Have a Designated Lens Case

A good-quality lens case is an essential storage accessory. Purchase a fresh one periodically and replace it at minimum every 3 months. Older cases harbor bacteria that transfer to your lenses and eyes.

Make sure your case is FDA-approved for contact lens use with tight-fitting lids to prevent solution evaporation and contamination. Always empty and air dry cases fully between uses.

Store Lenses in Fresh Solution Daily

Whether using a multipurpose solution or hydrogen peroxide system, always store your lenses immersed in fresh disinfecting solution daily. Never re-use old solution as it becomes contaminated and ineffective after a single use.

Leave at least 6 hours of soaking time for the solution to properly disinfect before wearing lenses again. Set a reminder on your phone if needed.

Keep Lens Cases Sanitary

How to store contact lenses?In addition to daily solution changes, periodically clean your lens cases thoroughly. Use separate lens cases for your left and right eye lenses. Never interchange or mix them to avoid cross-contamination.

Rubbing cases with clean fingers and fresh solution helps remove buildup. Consider investing in a UV light sanitizing unit to kill remaining microbes in the cases.

How to Store Contact Lenses

Follow Your Prescribed Wear Schedule

Certain types of contact lenses have specific approved wear schedules dictating how long you can safely re-use them before disposal. Daily disposables must be thrown away before sleep each night.

Bi-weekly or monthly lenses often allow overnight wear if using an approved extended wear solution and case. Pushing past the approved schedule promotes bacterial growth and raises infection risks substantially.

Don’t Sleep in Lenses Without Approval

Most contact lenses are intended for daily wear only. Sleeping in any non-approved “daily wear” lenses deprives your eyes of vital oxygen flow and allows debris buildup. These factors set the stage for serious eye infections and other complications.

If you need the convenience of overnight wear, your eye doctor can prescribe special FDA-approved extended wear lenses and care systems. Follow their customized guidance carefully.

Store Lenses in a Cool, Dry Place

Proper contact lens storage requires a safe environment free from temperature extremes and moisture exposure. Bathroom counters are a bad choice due to steamy showers nearby. Bedside tables introduce risks of contamination from makeup, skin cells, or beverages.

Store your lens cases in a clean, dry spot like a drawer, cabinet, or carrying case during use. Keep them at room temperature away from sinks, heating vents, or windows where temperatures fluctuate.

How to Store Contact Lenses

Use Protection During Travel

Traveling presents added contamination risks from new environments and surfaces. Bring a carrying case designed specifically for lens cases and solution bottles to minimize exposure. For extra security, store lens cases inside sealable plastic utility cases.

Give lens cases extra cleanings if stored in toiletry kits, purses, or other carriers exposed to more debris. Replace any cases showing visible damages like cracks, cloudiness or grime buildup.

Handle Lenses First When Reinserting

Whenever removing your lenses from storage for reinsertion, handle the actual lenses before touching the case itself. This prevents transferring any bacteria or oils from the case directly onto the lenses entering your eyes.

Consult your optometrist if you drop or contaminate a lens to learn whether it’s still safe to use or needs discarding. Erring on the side of caution protects your eyes.

Avoid Reusing Old Solution for Any Reason

Even if you skipped wearing your lenses one day, absolutely never retain or “top off” used disinfecting solution for storage. The solution contains neutralized microbes and debris from neutralization – you don’t want that reintroduced to your eyes!

Always start fully fresh with new solution each daily use. This critical step kills lingering germs and keeps lenses sterile between wears.

How to Store Contact Lenses

Stay Neat and Hygienic During Routines

Beyond just using new solution daily, maintain overall cleanliness during your lens removal and storage routines. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap first. Avoid handling cases around potential contamination sources like makeup stations or food areas.

Keep all lens accessories contained within a clean, designated lens care space free of clutter or messes. Consistent neatness safeguards your expensive lenses from exposure to irritants and pollutants.

Ask Your Eye Doctor for Clarification

If you have any lingering doubts about how to properly handle and store your specific contact lens type, don’t hesitate to consult your eye doctor directly. They want to ensure you fully understand the approved protocols for safe, problem-free wear with your prescribed lenses.

Your optometrist cares deeply about preserving your ocular health. They’ll gladly clarify any uncertainty on storage recommendations to optimize your experience.

In Summary

Storing your contact lenses correctly involves using the right solutions, fresh lens cases, approved wear schedules, and maintaining immaculate cleanliness throughout the process. Cutting corners raises risks of infections, injuries, accelerated lens deterioration, and other complications you want to avoid at all costs. Follow your optometrist’s personalized guidance meticulously for safe, hassle-free lens storage.

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